Monday, October 20


THEESatisfaction are SICK.
Literally, we are both sick off some gnarly bug. Started with my sore throat and the next day I was fine. Then we had a party the following day and we were both feeling like crap on ice. Congested Cathy and Runny Nose Stas. No one has given us any useful remedies. One of our friends told me to stick a tampon in my nose. Another friend told Cat to drink a whole bottle of Nyquil.

We're still working on the mixtape. We had to cancel our show and just purchased a drum machine for those slaps! Im kinda nice on the drums get at me! We want this mixtape to be fire. ON FIRE. We've decided collectively to push the mixtape back to THANKSGIVING. On Thanksgiving day after you had that second helping of food, run to your computer and download "That's Weird" for free! You will be able to download it for free on mediafire but the next day we will disable the link and you will have to pay 5 BUCKS (It's well worth the 5 tho)

I wish you HAPPY MONDAY! I will be doing homework all day long! I can't wait till I finish school. I wish I went to this school tho...

Space IS the place,